07935 472 324
How to find us
Our address is:
Lower Dutton Farm, Gallows Lane, Ribchester, PR3 3XX
If you’re using sat nav to find us, our postcode takes you to the wrong house! Here are some directions that will help:
If you’re coming from the Ribchester / Blackburn Road end onto Gallows Lane (our lane) we are half a mile up the lane from the bottom on the left (you will pass Holmes Farm on the left then we are the next house). Look out for Lower Dutton Cottage and a big gravel drive – we are right there – Lower Dutton Farm.
If you are coming from the top of Gallows Lane (Longridge Road / Hurst Green end), we are approximately 1 mile down the lane. You will pass Bank Top Cottages and a bend in the road (with traffic bollards on your left), then you will see Pear Tree Cottage on your right, we are just after that on your right – look out for a big gravel drive – Lower Dutton Farm.
Opening Times
These are subject to change but generally we operate:
Friday collections – 3pm – 6pm
Saturday collections – 3pm – 6pm